The FEZ Berlin Signs The "Diversity Charter"
By signing the "Diversity Charter" in November 2013, we committed ourselves to specifically promoting diversity amongst our employees and creating a respectful and prejudice-free working environment where everyone feels welcome. We have around 100 employees at the FEZ and every one of them should be treated equally regardless of who they are, where they come from and what they believe. Respect for every individual, whether staf, visitor or business partner, is a fundamental part of our company culture.
About the Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter is an initiative to promote diversity within the FEZ. It is endorsed and supported by the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Intergration (Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration). As well as within the FEZ, the initiative aims to advance the recognition and inclusion of diversity in workplaces across the whole of Germany. Companies should create an environment free of prejudice, where employees are valured irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic background, religion and beliefs, disability, sexual orientaton and identity.