Why An Intercultural Opening?
We want to ensure our children's and family centre is fully open to cultures from all over the world. We aim to replicate the cultural diversity in our society in our own little piece of Berlin. People from migrant backgrounds must be able to participate equally.
For several years, we have been gradually developing our events and activities with a view to making sure they appeal to the needs of those with a non-German background as well as those who grew up here. This naturally also calls for staff and employees who understand the needs of non-German visitors and are well qualified to lead cross-cultural events. This means that at the FEZ, people from migrant backgrounds have equal job access and career opportunities. We want to promote diversity at all levels - for our staff and our visitors.
This intercultural opening is a major focus for us and something we hope is reflected and replicated throughout the FEZ building.
That's why it's also essential to connect with other organisations. Doing so ensures the FEZ is accessible to people of non-German backgrounds. Various communities and cultural associations have been involved in creating cross-cultural programmes and events at the FEZ for a number of years. Their experience, their knowledge and their culture have become part of the DNA and the roots of the FEZ. After years o growth, our cross-cultural programme has now become the fully-grown tree it is today.
Each of these aspects, as well as our dedicated group for cross-cultural work at the FEZ, have paved the way for intercultural opening to be a permanent and sustainable focus of our work.
And yet, there is still work to do as we look to develop further. These pages dedicated to our cross-cultural work are here to show you exactly what we've been doing and the results we have achieved. Enjoy reading!
Get in touch with us!
Event Management Director - Diversity Team
Kristin Tiffert
Tel: +4930-53017-346
Email: k.tiffert(at)fez-berlin.de